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Pemalite said:

That's the spirit! Don't let the optimism shake your foundations. :P

With that said...

Pokemon isn't owned by Nintendo.

Zelda will be launching on the WiiU which hasn't gained any traction at all... Nor do we know if the NX will gain any traction either, plus the WiiU is 100% proof that lots of exclusives don't sell consoles anyway, regardless of how good they might be. :P

NX is on it's way, but current pointers are pointing it to be another device which is underpowered relative to the competition and with it trying to sell itself on a gimmick, again.

Mobile devices are in decline (3DS isn't doing as well as prior handhelds.)

I'll reserve judgement for now about Nintendo's future success... But don't get me wrong, I want them to do well, competition is a good thing not just for the consumer, but for the entire industry... I just can't see it at the moment.

You just can't use Pokemon Go as a pointer to Nintendo's future success I am afraid, Pokemon has always been big and also transcends video games with it having a TV series, playable cards, toys, movies... Everything... Something other Nintendo franchises (Heck, most games in general) don't have.

First of all, I know nothing about Nintendo's involvement with Pokemon in terms of ownership, part ownership, or whatever, all I know is that the 3DS Pokemon games, due to Pokemon Go, has had double and triple digit increases on Media Create and the UK charts, along with, even towards the very end of the 3DS's life, and despite there being two other mainline Pokemon games already released on the system, Pokemon Sun and Moon is looking to be the best selling Pokemon game in many years. With that said, the surge in popularity that Pokemon is experiencing will not only drive further sales of the 3DS, but will most likely increase sales of other Pokemon games released in the future, whether they are mainline or not. 

I didn't mention Zelda as if that was going to help Nintendo or the Wii U, because that would just be an idiotic thing for me to say. I simply mentioned it because that game proves that Nintendo still has that drive to make amazing games, which I am very happy about.