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scrapking said:
I agree that losing weight is not simply about eating meat or not doing so.  If you become a "junk food vegan" then you may gain weight (Oreo cookies are vegan, but not a good way to lose weight).  That said, you are incorrect to say it's simply about how many calories you're ingesting.  Not all calories are created equal since they are absorbed at different rates, have different glycemic indexes, may contain obesogens, among many other factors.  It's not just "calories in, calories out", whatever the soft drink industry would like you to believe.  That said, when you look at population studies, only vegans on average are in the healthy weight range.  Vegetarians, pescatarians, an omnivores on average are overweight (and omnivores on average are the most overweight).  It seems that vegans have the most success crafting diets that allow them to successfully manage their weight (in populations as a whole, on average, so anecdotes to the contrary are therefore irrelevant).

If that's true (that most overweight people are not vegan) it has nothing to do with the diet and more to do with the fact that vegans represent a very small amount of the population. They're also much more inclined, by nature of their living choice, to focus ON their diets.

If you look at the worlds greatest athletes, almost all of them are eating lean meat. These are people with 2% body fat and abs so ripped, you could shred cheese on them. Body builders, olympians... almost every one of them are eating lean meats. 

If a person wants to lose weight, eating 1,000 calories a day will do it. You could eat oeros, milk shakes, cheese burgers, drink Coke or Pepsi... but if you stay at 1,000 calories, you'll lose weight. Now, will you be healthy? No, not at all. But that's a different topic. I understand and know not all calories are the same but I wasn't talking about health. I was simply talking about losing weight and being trim. 

Some vegans walk around, shouting on the roof tops and street corners about how they're trim solely because they don't eat meat which is an absolute and utter LIE. It's not about meat or no meat. It's about hard work and proper diet. That's all I'm saying.