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NXPal said:

O you're compairing cherry picked deals with RRP. Just seen it's a Gamestop exclusive bundle but if you check their website you can now get get this bundle (1TB PS4 with 4 games) for €349 or with an extra controller for €399.

as i said, this are just the deals from the last few weeks. these kind of deals are regular and nothing special and not cherry picked.
why should i use the RRP? the RRP for the 500GB XB1 and PS4 is still 319€ and 349€ but that is not the price i have to pay as a consumer.
and that is the reason, why a "new" bundle with old games for 399€ is a bad deal

correct. the gamestop excluive bundle is already 50€ cheaper than RRP, because no1 would buy that console for 399€ here

Sorry I didn't make myself clear. That website cherry picks all the best deals. The 4 game bundle launched at that RRP price like all other bund but you were comparing the launch RRP price with bundles that have had price cut hence why I said the 4 game bundle is actually €349. But also being an exclusive bundle means no competition from other stores so will probably never be as good as some deals but it's still a decent bundle.