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Imagine Nintendo taking home a 30% cut of all mobile profits (instead of Apple or Google) ... Candy Crush, Angry Birds, Pokemon Go (lol) on this device too.

You can see the appeal immediately.

A 16GB iPad Mini is actually $399.99, lol. If Nintendo could offer a $299.99 NX with Android games, apps, and Nintendo games + home console play, if I'm a parent I may look at that instead of having to buy them the damn iPad + another $300 gaming console. If one device could keep the kiddies happy I think a lot of parents would be happy with that. 

The one thing detachable controllers introduce too that normal tablets can't really do is simultaneous multiplayer gaming on a tablet like device. Right now kids do play mobile games together, but it mostly consists of passing the tablet around and taking turns, Nintendo would have a feature with detachable controllers that no tablet really uses today. 

So there's that too.