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We need to be able to talk about the issues that are going on in our world. If they don't get talked about, good or bad (even though we focus on the bad a lot), we still need to discuss them. Even though I, personally, don't comment much on these real world topics, I do understand why users are posting these threads. However, now I just have my own moment of silence, pray, and go on with my life.

If I were to draw all my energy into these topics about killings, and racial tensions, and terrorists, I would be a miserable ball of depression. I tend to focus on the task I have at hand and not focus on the bad all the time. Notice that the good news thread that somebody started didn't last that long but the ones with bad news blow up. There is a reason. The bad news needs to be addressed because they revolve around issues that need to be fixed.

I understand how you feel. I know you're the kind of guy who has his head screwed on straight. Don't read too much into it.