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Riachu said:
Profcrab said:
bbsin said:
Profcrab said:
bbsin said:
Profcrab said:


You make like it, but it's still bad storytelling for an action game. JRPGs are generally the haven for the heavy cutscene crowd. In fact, most of any JRPG is repetitive gameplay for which you are rewarded with a cutscene. With action games, story is generally told more in game than in cutscenes. Since the players spend more time interacting with the environment, there are greater opportunites for integrated story telling. MGS is using the JRPG model for an action game which is actually a few steps backwards in the genre.

Yeah because games like RE4, Haze and GeOW have awesome story telling models. I fail to see how else Kojima can end all the story arcs and questions that were continued from Metal Gear 1 to MGS3 being that this is the last game with Solid Snake without writing a novel to explain the back stories.... oh wait, then Kojima would be copying Bioware wouldn't he?

Maybe Kojima should start painting from the corner to the door instead of from the door to the corner?

Bioware's games have been solid within the games themselves. Including all the backstory for every character and every situation is very, very difficult to pull of and sometimes irresponsible to do it.

Also, bringing up other games that may not have great storytelling doesn't help your case.

Bringing up the "few steps backwards in the genre" comment didn't help yourcase either.

And no, I do not want to turn this into a Kojima vs Bioware war. If you hadn't noticed I love Bioware games and Mass Effect was my favorite game as year, my gamercard has Garrus' face on it for pete's sake. My point is this, Mass Effect and MGS4 are too different games, at this point, blending ME's interactions with MGS4 would not benefit MGS4 at all. MGS4 has one goal in mind in terms of story: answer all the questions. ME had one goal: make the players immersed in the universe. Cutscenes are the best way to do MGS4 and Interactive scenes are the best way to do ME, that;s my point.

It is a few steps backwards. The use of cutscenes to tell most of the story is an old trick for action games. It mainly goes back to when graphic quality was not that high and the environments were not immersive. Turn based RPGs use them because there is no real other way to do it when you aren't interacting with the environment. Everyone else is using much more effective techniques to tell story but Kojima's stuck in cutsceneland. It isn't the best way to do it. You are just giving Kojima too much credit when he is a bad video game story teller.

For a game like MGS, Kojima is trying to give a movie-like feel to the story so that's why he is still using cutscenes


Here is the main problem with that. It isn't a movie. It doesn't make the player feel like they are part of a movie with cutscenes, instead they are playing to reach the next cutscene. So, instead of feeling like you are Solid Snake, you get to be a donkey following a carrot. Incorporating the story with the game gives players the feeling that they are the action hero in that movie. So, Kojima is trying to take the player farther out of the game instead of immersing a player in it. This throws the action video game concept totally in reverse. If you want to make a player feel like they are a part of a movie, you have to keep them immersed. Removing the player from an action game for too long disconnects them from that feeling.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.