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Gotta admit, I'm surprised the mods have been so humble with me.

Mod History for aLkaLiNE

11/01/15 00:46 Carl2291 Ban Trolling (Trolling 101. Argues against the points fair enough, follows it up with the jab at 1st party software. Keep it civil.) Banned 1 days 7592753
04/29/15 01:25 starcraft Ban Flaming (Mate, you just can't go around calling people dicks. If you truly have a problem with someone's post, please just report them. Also, you could at least have been clever about it. Why not be anatomically correct, and call him a phallus or something? If you're going to get banned, do it right!) Banned 3 days 7250663
11/17/14 19:03 Conegamer Ban Flaming (Your wish is my command. Don't insult other users.) Banned 3 days 6842228
08/07/14 06:55 starcraft Warning Flaming (No moderations on file so we'll start with a warning. Please do not attack or belittle others. If you have a problem, report them.)   6559905