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PC is great, it even lets me play Pokemon Go from the comfort of my home.
Consoles are great too. I can still play any ps4 game on the 2.5 year old hardware. However Dreamfall chapters I backed will not run at higher than 5fps on my equally old $1000 laptop with dedicated GPU, sound stuttering and distorting as well. One day I'll be able to play it after I buy a new laptop. Will have to anyway as Elite Dangerous gets worse and worse on it too as more gets added to the game. 30fps at release, 10fps with Horizons, ? after the next big update.

As far as convenience goes, consoles win in moveability and playing from the couch. No tiny fonts or over scan to worry about, everything works on the standard controller.
PCs, sure it's a lot easier to alt-tab to check a walk through, look for cheats etc, not sure if that's a plus. It's also much easier to watch tv / you tube while gaming, which I did a lot with Elite dangerous, yet perhaps that's a sign that game really has too much grinding. I love ED, but the amount of grinding it took to be able to buy the ship I wanted definitely made my Netflix account essential. (I actually used the WiiU gamepad for that not to burden my poor laptop any further)

What I absolutely do love about PC: Turn off Depth of field, Motion blur, Chromatic and other crap. I rather have no AA than crappy FXAA or temporal blending. If only consoles let you turn all that stuff off.