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Well we already know what's coming out after Wii Fit

1) Super Mario Sluggers Wii
2) Disaster Day of Crisis (seems to have only been delayed in japan due to the earthquakes in China
3) Animal Crossing
4) Guitar Hero Aerosmith
5) Guitar Hero 4
6) Fragile
7) Samba De Amigo
8) Wii Music
9) Fatal Frame 4
10) Rock Band
11) Sky Crawlers
12) Kid Icarus

It seems like each of those games stands a good chance of selling a million copies each. So I'd say that the Wii does have quite a bit of games still to be released this year and one of the games on my list sold 10 million copies last time it was released on the DS.

That's just me cherry picking games. There are plenty other games coming and still quite a few we don't even know about yet. So we have a lot to look forward to.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.