Aquamarine said:
Ryng_Tolu, just to respond to what you said on GAF about "handheld consoles are still consoles".... This is true, but according to NPD they are two very different things. In the June 2016 NPD report, the vast majority of hardware revenue ($160.504 million) was from the five console systems that I posted (PS4 + XBO + WIU + 360 + PS3). Handheld hardware revenue was a tiny fraction of what console revenue was. That's why I don't focus on that feed....they are two completely separate things both from my perspective and from NPD's perspective....and in general handheld is just a much smaller business than the console business, so it's less relevant. Also, CosmicQueso just mentioned on NeoGAF that the previous assumptions 3DS <72K for May 2016 NPD and 3DS <100K for June 2016 NPD were incorrect. Ergo, 3DS >72K for May 2016 and 3DS >100K for June 2016. That should have been obvious, though.
Got it.
It's only that for me an handheld is a console, and when i saw that post i automatically thought he was talking about all 4 system... thanks for clarify.