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Barkley said:
Ck1x said:

Once again, what is your concern with their profits and the generation of this console cycle isn't even over yet for Nintendo. So why discuss it at this point and time? 

If you did this at the very end of the WiiU and 3ds life cycle, then even that makes more sense. But the timing of this thread reeks of hey let's bring up B.S. for the sake of talking about it!

As ive said before this thread was created because earlier today I was looking through zhugeex's Twitter and saw the graph. I was surprised at the information shown their and by the things other people have said on this site previously i thought they as well would be surprised by these figures. That is why I created this thread.

So keep your BS opinions to yourself, and "what is your concern with their profits" dude we're on a sales site if you're not interested in profits you might be on the wrong site, but if you arent then kindly gtfo of this thread.

Your behaviour is pathetic. Not everything is an attack on your beloved company.

As the other thread going against your thread spells out that you intentionally cherry picked the information you wanted to present which isn't in all actuality true of the company's bottom line. But the real question is what is the purpose of bringing up their operating profits at this time? Besides information you found on Twitter... Anyway I'm done and actually feel like I'll never get back a single moment of my life I wasted in writing this. So I'll go back to playing video games and you do what you do best!