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GProgrammer said:
Minecraft is much bigger than pokemon Go
/thread, drop mike and walks away

OK you can argue microsoft didnt invent minecraft but then again Nintendo didnt invent pokemon go

I think Pokemon Go has the potential to surpass Minecraft. Pokemon Go is only out for a week, it likely has hundreds of millions of downloads ahead of it and I notice it is more of a craze with adults, whereas Minecraft was mostly a thing for kids/young teenagers.

Pokemon Go has been on CNN, I've heard it on radio, the local news, local police departments are issuing statements on Pokemon Go, Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Fallon mentioned it in their late night monologues this week, the mayor of Sao Paulo, Brazil is imploring Nintendo to bring the game to Brazil for the Olympics, it's all over the Facebook feed, it's on the news in Canada even though the game isn't even legally out here yet thousands of people of converging outdoors to play it ...

... this is huge. This is bigger than Minecraft in a lot of ways. 

Beyond that MS had nothing to do with the creation or popularization of Minecraft. They just bought the IP once it was well established. That's like a guy saying he's a smooth with the ladies because he paid $1000 to sleep with a hot prostitute. Anyone can throw money at something, they paid for that, they would have no idea how to create a "Minecraft" on their own. 

Nintendo financed and helped develop and basically handled all the marketing of the original Pokemon concept and they helped develop and spear-head Pokemon Go as well, Mr. Iwata got together with Niantic and with the Pokemon Company to bring this game to life two years ago apparently, so this has been in the brewing for a long time. 

For people who think it's so easy for Sony/MS ... note Square-Enix, Activision, Rockstar, EA, Sega are also on mobile and none of them have created an app anywhere close to Pokemon Go or Candy Crush or Angry Birds. Fact is apps that break out like this are exceptionally rare.