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DivinePaladin said:
LurkerJ said:

No, he isn't. 

No one watches PewDiePie for his critical insight. That's not the purpose of his videos. 

Other gaming journalists write professional critiques that we read to find out if they are positive or negative.

While I agree with your other stances in this thread I have to disagree with your first bit here. The Pewdiepie Effect is a real thing that can cause a spike in game sales. He doesn't have to give a critical stance to immediately influence people to buy the game. 

His effect is undeniable. His effect is also seen with games that are NOT critically acclaimed, like Goat Simulator. He didn't make the game any better by playing it, he just gave it the exposure it needed. He can scream "this game is so bad" during the entire video and people will just go buy the game anyway. 

He was paid to play a game on camera and he did. WB wanted to advertize their game and he accepted their offer without giving a postive critique. Come on now, how is that video critical anyway? Calling it a critique is an insult to real critiques. 

  1. 1.
    a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.