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RolStoppable said:
Barkley said:

You can say you had a lot of fun with a stick, that's not a postive critique of said stick. If he said "This game is a lot of fun" that would be positive critique.

You can have fun with absolutely attrocious games.

Your stealth edit beat the sense out of your post. Then again, the sense you tried to make wasn't all that great to begin with.

He got paid to do a video and he gave a positive critique. He can be bought. He is not a credible person. He is like a lot of gaming journalists who are rightly condemned for selling their integrity.

No, he isn't. 

No one watches PewDiePie for his critical insight. That's not the purpose of his videos. 

Other gaming journalists write professional critiques that we read to find out if they are positive or negative.