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Just watched his response, he kicked ass.

He is obviously not happy with the slandering and very disappointed with how unprofessional some big news outlets can be just for the sake of generating clicks.

I also loved the "can we hate him now?" bit, because it hits right at home. It's so obvious that many of you never liked the guy for no particular reason, and for once, you thought you had a legitimate reason to justify your inexcusable hate, but let me tell you, it only makes you seem silly, and probably jealous.

This is the video he was paid to make: , and nothing is special about it, it's just like every other PewDiePie video. You can't even say he gave a Warner Bros' game special treatment.

Instead of attacking the guy, boycott the corrupt journalists who are misleading people, blatantly lying and harming the reputation of a harmless person.