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TheLastStarFighter said:
As pointed out by those saying Nintendo loses 30% of Pokemon Go money to Apple, there is a great value in being a platform holder. If Nintendo is smart, they'll use mobile to push titles like Go (cheap, social) to as many users as possible. These titles would then be used to push consumers to their hardware platforms and core titles. Core consumers are fewer, but consume far more software. A perfect world for Nintendo would have mobile revenue, hardware revenue, 1st party software revenue and royalty revenue from third parties on their platforms. There's no reason for them not to strive for this.

The problem is I'm not really sure this will happen. 

I think it's just as likely that a person says "well I already have Pokemon Go on my iPhone that I play every day! I don't need to buy a 3DS/NX/whatever for Pokemon". 

The other kinda eye opening thing about Pokemon Go's success is its not being used for like 5 minutes every 2 days or something, it's something a lot of users are using constantly on their phone on a daily basis. And it kinda has to be that way, because all the successful apps generally have users using it daily. You have to hook the player to keep that sweet, sweet microtransaction money coming in. 

But if these players are already spending a good amount of time consuming Nintendo apps on their phone ... I'm not sure that really makes the proposition of "well now you need to buy our $200-$300 console/portable with $50 games too, mmmmk?" really that appealling. I'm sure some spill over will happen, I'm just not sure if it's something Nintendo can rely on. 

Nintendo may just have to accept that mobile is their no.1 profit driver in the future.