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So as it stands we play in a galaxy? All I've seen so far is solar systems within one galaxy. Do you think if there are other galaxies you will be transported to another galxy through a worm hole at the center of the universe? Or will you travel between galaxies? It would be mind blowing to see something similar to that famous image that the Hubble telescope as you left the galaxy to travel to the next.

My guess is the worm hole would be the way they would go since they can control what galaxy you go to next, presumably more dangerous than the last.


Remember this is only a theory but I'm convinced it's true now having watched and listened carefully to every interview and tried to find a legitimate reason for the contradictions. The map we see at the moment is the galaxy (in my opinion), lot's of white dots representing solar systems, so I'd image the map of the universe will look similar but those dots will be galaxies not solar systems.


The PS5 Exists.