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Goodnightmoon said:

Nah is the same old story, Nintendo has an epic win, gotta find a way to downplay it and make it look like a bad thing.

I wouldn't call it downplaying or making it look like a bad thing at all... how is saying they're making an absolute fortune and could have incredible growth a bad thing? You're absolutely right it is an epic win, and with Pokemon Go doing numbers like this it would be foolish for Nintendo to not aggressively pursue the mobile market.

Dedicated Hardware isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but eventually it might do, if Nintendo gets into a situation where it decides to ditch dedicated hardware the company will be better for it. It all hinges on their dedicated hardware performance next generation. If the NX is another WiiU I wouldn't expect Nintendo to stay in the dedicated hardware business.

Recently the hardware has been holding the entire company back, as opposed to being something that actually benefits the company, builds consumer base and revenue.