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Or at the start of Burning Crusade while this little ... Giant was able to be mind controlled with an Engineering device from vanilla WoW, Sadly again another thing which can't be done anymore since they removed the ability to control these... and of course now they just aren't as shocking, this screen shot was taken by a mate watching from afar as I was "helping" people get into the start of Burning Crusade content with it. (sorry for the god damn awful resolution lol)

When you had him under control other than insane amounts of damage this monster also had a move called ThunderClap... which normally makes a little flash under a warrior in the game when they do it...

Because of the Fel Reavers massive size the flash from his clap was visible almost Zone wide when you had him under your control, not only would you scare Horde to death, but you could also blind them as you did it.

Should point out... that second picture is not edited in any way, that White area is the move going off.

There is the 2d graphic of the move at the time on a normal sized player Blizzard just took the easy way out and coded the Fel Reaver to have the same graphic but scaled on the size of his model, was a sight to behold.


There is another darker one I done... but it's possibly too Dark for VGchartz and my lovely outlook towards humans now! Will See.

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