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Fei-Hung said:
Not played Demon Souls so a remaster would be perfect especially if they add Co op.

Anyone here that can give a brief idea of how the original compares to the DS3 or Bloodborne in terms of gameplay, difficulty and level design?

difficulty I would say higher than either DS3 or BB, to be honest I didn't find any of those 2 particularly difficult. Part of what made the original Demon's Souls much more difficulty was the lack of teleports, much higher loading times, a bit more obtuse mechanics. These were all refined in the games that followed.

From Software has also slowly made the games more friendly to begginers, which is fine and all, but if the improvements are done just simply by bringing the game to updated hardware, it should fix some of the problems most people would feel going from BB to Demon's (especially the loading times).

Having said that, the first game you play tends to be the more difficult. After you learn the mechanics and what the correct approach is, they start to feel easier and more familiar as you go through the different other games.

In terms of gameplay, the original one was deffinitely slower paced. You'd need to farm for supplies (stuff to cure yourself mostly) and there was a limit to how much stuff you could carry even unequipped. You'd notice the difference, I'm 100% sure. 

Level design, being a PS3 game sure gave it some limitations, so it's not as varied and 'pretty' as Bloodborne or DS3. Very castle based and quite a lot of closed areas. A hub world that was required to move from 'level' to 'level' as the areas weren't as visibly interconnected. Also it probably has the worst (more annoying) sewer/cave area in all the games so far, felt worse than blight town in Dark Souls 1. At least i recall it that way.


edit: to clarify, the teleports part was annoying as hell because it would force you to get to the hub world and then move somewhere else. with the loading times being absolutely horrendous, you'd want to avoid dying or teleporting anywhere as much as possible