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thismeintiel said:

Yes, you proved my point.  Like many who jump to "cop bad, 'criminal' just made a mistake" mentality, you HAVE to present only one side of the story or half of it to gain support.  If people knew the whole truth, they would not be so quick to support your side. 

And I never said the kid was a thug, only he was pretending to be one.  Which means he may have looked up to them, so who knows what his future would have brought.  But either way, you brandish a gun, act like a thug, and don't put it down when a cop tells you to (yes, even if you're white), and you will get shot.  It also doesn't help that he was all by himself, not playing with any other kid.  If he had been, instead of threatening random people who walked by (which is NOT an acceptable form of play, by any standards), then he'd most likely be alive.

The problem with your side is you see everything in hindsight.  Which is 20/20 as they say.  You don't think those cops felt miserable when they found out it was a toy?  Of course they did.  It probably still haunts them.  But, there was NO way for them to know.  And the second he won't put it away and points it at them, you're damn right they fired.  You would have done the same damn thing, though I doubt you would admit it.

As for your last paragraph, let's be honest here.  The only reason we are even hearing about any of these instances is because the victims are black.  It allows people to push an agenda and even more vile people to make their living.  Without the race war, many would be out of a job.  For example, had that child been white and the cops black, which I'm sure has happened plenty of times, it would have been buried as a local story for us to never hear of again.  Of course, I would have had the same opinion, regardless of race.

Okay you have lost me...first your point was about perpeuating a lie now it is about cop bad criminal made a mistake? I know the whole turth about the situation we are discussing at hand right now. This CHILD was playing alone in a park by himself with a toy gun that looked real. He was walking up to people acting like he was going to shoot them and pretty much just being a child. Guess what kids do that...has nothing to do with pretending to be a thug or even looking up to them at all. Not saying it is good for a child to do that but they do. No one was hurt, no shots were fired the only thing the cops had was that the gun LOOKED real from a distance.

I don't know if the cops felt miserable or not. They sure didn't go out of their way to let it be known that they did. But as a human i would want to think that they did. Even though drawing guns on a lone child because he as what appears to be gun is still beyond me. There have been plenty of instances where cops have told someone to put a gun down and they did not comply without being killed. So no I am not in agreement that they should have fired and no I can't say that I would have fired becuase it doesn't make sense to just unload on a child from a distance at all.

And can't be serious so you are really telling me that you feel it would no thave made the news if a white child playing with a toy gun was gunned down by black cops? And you are sure it has happened plenty of times? I literally have no words for that because I am at a loss as to how you could even say that with a straight face.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

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