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thismeintiel said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Soooooooo because they were doing something wrong/stupid they deserved to get shot by a careless cop? Like the 12yr old black kid who was shot in the park because he was playing with a toy? Or the one who was just shot in a traffic stop because he was reaching for his license? You mean doing stuff wrong/stupid like that? :-/?

Lmao.  Thanks for proving the point of my previous post.  Perpetuating the lie.  Or half truth.  However you want to put it.  Say something like he was just shot while playing black.  Of course, you would leave out that it was a realistic gun that the kid had puposely taken the orange tip off, so at any distant you wouldn't have been able to tell it was a toy.  And that he was taking it out and brandishing it like a thug, threatening to "shoot"  passersby.  The cops were called because people thought it was a real gun.  They pulled up and demanded he put it down, but instead he decided to not listen, so they shot him.  It's tragic, but act like a thug and you'll die like one.

As for the recent one, I don't have all the info on that one.  So, you know, I'm not going to do a rash thing and choose "sides" quite yet.  Better to wait until we get the cruiser video.  If it was the 100% fault of cop, he should be fired and face charges, as he will.  People are allowing their agenda to blind common sense.  It could be the Michael Brown thing all over again.  Of course, it doesn't help that we have one of the key race agitators as President.

So me stating that a 12yr old boy playing with a toy gun in a public park proves your post huh? So because it was a realistic looking gun that makes it all okay that he was shot and killed. It makes it okay because people thought it was real yet there had been no issues no shots fired nothing of the sort. Heck I have seen many kids playing with toy guns that looked real talking about I am going to shoot you etc but I didn't go straight to saying look at this thug or this kid acting like a thug....because guess what it was just a child playing but I guess that is just me. To you though a child playing is the equivalant of "acting like a thug so die like a thug"....yeeeeeaaaaahhhh that makes perfect sense and clearly proves your point of perpeuating a lie because none of what I said was a fact.  YET you LABELED this boy as thug because he was playing lol. Or did nou not label him as one but just added that part just for the heck of it? No other options than to shoot to kill because this was clearly someone acting like a thug and deserving to die like one? Come on man you can't be serious. And even so again I ask because someone is doing something wrong they deserve to be shot and killed?

Also where did I state that he was shot while being black? Because I gave you two examples of people not doing anything wrong that just means shot while being black? Doesn't show that cops just handled situations poorly just shot while being black? wasn't just countering your post about them not doing anything stupid/wrong that clearly deserved death. Come on now things like this are inexcusable and should not have happened. Esepcially in these two situations that I just gave you.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23