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curl-6 said:
GTA V and BOTW can't be directly compared. GTA V's open world is filled with NPC's, buildings and traffic, something that BOTW doesn't have. Also BOTW has cel shaded graphics so a lot less details are required for it. Both have impressive physics, but PS3's CPU has more powerful and higher clocked individual cores than PS4, so it should handle BOTW's physics. BOTW is better in terms of framerate than last gen GTA V, that's the only place its better.

Also GOW 3 can run on PS3 at 45-60fps so BOTW would run on it easily. GOW 3 had incredible scale to it, some of the bosses were bigger than entire levels in some other games. Not open world, but as they are all animated that makes it more impressive and it still looks like a PS4 game on PS3.

Only the characters in Breath of the Wild are cel shaded; rock, snow, trees, pavement, water, dirt, etc all use regular textures. And rendering a world as big and detailed as BotW takes more than just CPU grunt, it also places considerable demands on RAM and GPU power, two areas where Wii U exceeds PS3 and 360.

Also, GOW3 looks as good as it does because it is highly scripted; levels are linear, the developers control the camera so they can always micro-manage exactly what's on screen at any given time, and a lot its eye candy is smoke and mirrors. It looks flashy but its not as technically demanding as an open world game like Breath of the Wild.

It requires less RAM for streaming, but the sheer number of polygons and details, and the great use of lighting and textures plus all the enemies on screen at once, it is definitely a VERY demanding game for its hardware and would have been demanding had it been on Wii U.

There are many linear games, but none of them try to do what God of War 3 does so successfully. Just about any scene with titans in the game are damn impressive, as those titans are not just gigantic but also very well animated, and that requires a alot of resources.

Not just that but the particle effects are really good as well, and there are dynamic light sources too, such as when you use the Head of Helios.

Also it does all of this running at 45fps while Zeldaa runs at 30fps.

LipeJJ said:
God of War III? Are we talking about this game below? I think people really have selective memories.

You know I'm not talking about scenes such as this plus it looks like it has been cropped, as in this particular fight there is a gigantic titan destroying a city in the background nowhere to be seen here.

If you've played the game, there are much more stunning gameplay sequences than this anyways.