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kowenicki said:
Aeolus451 said:

"in every single regard"

It turned a profit and managed to sell 80 million consoles. Didn't lose any of it's brand appeal. Doesn't sound like a bad business decision in every regard. Yes, the price of the PS3 at launch was moronic of sony.


It decimated the mindshare and marketshare in many places for years and lost them billions.  How in the world is that not a disaster?

The fact it eventually perhaps turned a profit, is irrelevant.  How many billions in extra profit would they have made if they hadnt completely misjudged the market and their fanbase by launching an affordable and more accessable console. 

There is nothing positive about the PS3 from a BUSINESS perspective. 

Its so typical of here that in this thread I and others mention nintendo and microsoft products and nobody says a word, mention the PS3 and people get very defensive.  Sony fucked up with the PS3 and ther Vita accept it.


There's a world of difference between saying sony fucked up with PS3 with it's price point, etc and saying it was a total disaster or it being the worst business decision in the gaming market. 

 Many of posters gave an example of the worst business decisions of the big 3 and other companies that were fair all around. Many of those about the PS3. No one jumped on their ass about it. So the bolded part in your post is a bunch of bullshit. Some users are being defensive about the PS3 over what you said in your post. It's the way you worded it. You didn't try to explain your opinion or make a real point til after the fact. No one is denying that sony fucked up with the PS3 or vita  but it's far from the biggest fuck up in the gaming market. If others can post their opinion while being moderately respectful of others, so can you.