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That kind of head tracking has been done before in the past, f.e. early 2010 in the DSi game "Rittai Kakushi e Attakoreda"/"Hidden 3D Image: There It Is!"/"Geschichtenbuch":

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I have that DSi game, it works on the 3DS too (without using the 3DS' own 3D effect). It is a nice effect with very limited use case scenario... it works best on still images or fixed perspectives and you have to constantly change your own position to profit from that effect. And it is a lot easier to turn the handheld in different directions than running from left to right and looking from abobe or below on your TV. It also can only track one person.

So it wouldn't work good enough on "normal" games or even "normal" Nintendo games. If the majority of people really wanted to have some cheap 3D effects due to head tracking and jumping in front of their TVs, there would already be hundreds of games of these available on handhelds with a front camera (3DS, Vita), smartphones, tablets, PS3 camera, PS4 camera, Kinect 1, Kinect 2, Wii sensor bar...

Ockham's razor says: due to the lack of these games on already compatible devices that ain't the next big thing attracting the masses.