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I prefer Guitar Hero 3 to Rock Band, honestly, simply because Rock Band in the end, is just too easy all around. I feel there is a much greater level of depth to Guitar Hero when it comes to the guitar instrument.

The next logical step is to add new instruments. It's great that Activison isn't letting Rock Band fanboy drama claims of "copying" prevent them from evolving their franchise.

Not only that, but Guitar Hero IV is going to have "create a song" apparently. Lets see if Rock Band 2 rips that off, shall we?

The final straw for me, is the Activision song lists, DLC or not, are quite excellent out of the box, and have a much broader selection of artists and licensed songs available to them. Combine that with the fact that GHIV's music, despite having drums, ect, will probably be much more guitar-centric than Rock Band's well, you've sold me.

As a real life guitar player, I can tell you how most other real life guitar players feel in a band: "Turn me up. All other instruments can go to hell. If I'm not the center of attention, I quit." That translates pretty well to the Guitar Hero franchise. It's not exactly about "sharing the fun." It's a single player game that happens to be fun at parties. Rock Band is a party game that happens to be fun alone.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.