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The Pokemon franchise is, without question, one of the biggest and most popular video game franchises on the planet, and one of Nintendo's most beloved.  We're about to have the Seventh Generation coming out in the form of Pokemon Sun/Moon, along with Pokemon Go, a mobile game, to celebrate the series' 20th Anniversary, and there's no reason to think that this Gen will be less or not as successful, financially and critically as the 6 that have all come before it. 

And that is largely due to Pokemon sticking to the same formula, with a few minor quirks and kinks here and there with each new game, that it has been using since Pokemon Red/Blue, (Generation 1). 

And it's in large part because of that why I haven't gotten all to excited for Sun/Moon and why I don't plan on purchasing either one, any time soon.
Don't get me wrong, I'm fully confident that the games will be great and that they'll kill it this holiday season, but I just get the feeling of "Been There. Done That." 
Basically, I just feel like, if you've played Gen 6, then you're not missing much with Gen 7, unless those new Pokemon are THAT important to you.
There's really not much of a wow or hype factor anymore because it's Pokemon, you know what to expect and what's going to happen before you even get the game. It's like "If you've played one, you've played them all.
Basically, I think Pokemon has become stale, the formula has stagnated, and they've done just about all they can do with it and it has nothing new to offer.
That's why I think, that after Sun and Moon come out and Gen 7 are out of the way, that Game Freak, the Pokemon Company, and Nintendo, should take Pokemon in an entirely new direction and completely change the formula. And with the NX, the most powerful system that Nintendo will have ever made to date, being out by that time (hopefully), there's no better time or opportunity to do it in my opinion!
Now this would be well outside of Game Freak's comfort zone, venturing into Uncharted territory, which is why they should take all of the time, resources, and help that they need to make sure they get it right... Just like what Nintendo is doing with Zelda right now, I mean, we're all still recovering from the whirlwind of hype from E3 caused by Breath of the Wild... Speaking of Breath of the Wild, THAT'S what I think they should do with Pokemon...
Make it an Open World RPG. 
Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles X are the two games that immediately come to mind as to what they should base it off of.
Remember when you were flying through Mira in XCX in your Skell listening to "Don't Worry" and having an awesome time? Now imagine flying over the world of Pokemon on Charizard, Rayquaza, Pidgeot, or Yveltal or (insert favorite flying type here). Or swimming through the oceans on Blastoise or Lapras or (insert favorite water type here)
Imagine all of the 7 areas from each Generation, from Kanto and Johto all the way to Kalos and Alola, all being explorable continents/areas in this massive world along with whatever new ones lie ahead! Imagine being in live battles with this beautiful HD world surrounding you. 
The basic foundation of the formula can still be the same, (being the best like noone ever was, catching them being your real test, training them your cause), but the execution, exploration, and feel of it (traveling across the land, searching far and wide, to teach Pokemon to understand the power that's inside) being entirely different and fresh!
Implementing and executing the best aspects of an open world RPG to its absolute best abilities, while staying true to the founding concepts that makes Pokemon, Pokemon.
Mario has done it many times before!
Zelda has done it, and is currently doing it again!
I'm sure that Pokemon can do it too! With the right help, right resources, effort, dedication, and time, they can absolutely pull this off. Bringing the world of Pokemon to life like never before, adding greatly to the legacy that the franchise has accumulated through the years, and making the series appeal to a whole new legion and upcoming generation of gamers. 
But that's just me.
Anybody agree and/or think I should become head of Game Freak?
Anybody disagree and/or wants my head on a bowl shaped like a Pokeball? 
Thoughts? Opinions? Yay? Nay? What say you guys?