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Hey guys, there has been alot of speculation of how third-party developers are going to increase there efforts on the Wii due to its high sales. I'm not denying this will happen, but I believe the 360 will remain the third-pary console of choice for developers due to the success of third-party games on that console. Sure the Wii is cheaper to develop for but I believe this will just result in more and more quickly made games by developers who want to get a slice of the Wii cake.

When Epic games said they are not interested in developing for the Wii because they do not see much money in it, many people were saying absurd things like how developers like Epic are going to go bankrupt because the Wii is selling the most hardware, therefore the most games, so any developer not making games for it is missing out on a golden opportunity.

Now I am going to try and show to you why I think developers like Epic Games are right when they say there is less money to be made by third-party developers making games for the Wii.  I am not trying to say negative things about the Wii, but i'm just trying to tell it how it is to me, if you think I am wrong, then please tell me why so i can understand.

 Take alook at this...

There are 25 million seller games on the Wii. 14 of those are published by Nintendo and 11 by third-parties.

On the other hand there are 41 million sellers on the Xbox 360. Only 8 of thoese are published by Microsoft and a whopping 33 published by third-parties.


Ok, I know third party developers were caught off guard by the Wii's popularity, but even so, Nintendo games make up the bulk of software sales on the Wii and i doubt that will change. The way I see it, the 360 still seems the best place for third-party developers. This may have been a too simplistic approach to the question, but i do not see how third-party developers will be able to compete with Nintendo games on it's own console.


So, yeh that is probably a too simplistic approach to this, and there's probably loads of factors i havn't taken into consideration so let me know!