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I think VR Arcades are a great idea but it's the initial investment.  You would need probably a dozen stations or more for it to be worth even trying so that's a dozen Oculus Rifts or Vives or PSVRs which is thousands right there.  Then you need systems for those. For the Oculus and Vive you need a VR capable machine and a good one.  For PSVR you need a PS4.  Again, thousands up to tens of thousands just for the hardware depending on how good an experience you want.  Then you need space.  If you want Room Scale, you need a very large location (in fact, I would recommend a standalone store rather than a rented space for a Room Scale experience).  If you want to focus on sitting down experiences with a cockpit focus,  then you need to less space but you will want to make it a very premium experience.  Remember between Vive, Oculus, PSVR and the Gear VR, a lot of people are going to have access to VR.  You want to give a very good experience people don't feel they could easily replicate at home.  So now you are talking about something like a pod or high end chair or similar setup with high end sound and probably specialized controlers like a wheel for a racer or a joystick for things like EVE Valkyrie.  So again, more money.  And then you need branding, you'll want to upfit the space really nice.  And then a company like GameStop would want to/need to do multiples.  That's a ton of investment to create a successful, sustainable VR Arcade chain.