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I honestly don't think it'd be different. People would still wage wars and kill in the name of other things. I mean there have been cases where sports rivalries have gone way too far (Giants and Dodgers) just to name a few.
Religion itself is not the problem, the problem are those who take it so deep to the point where they feel the need to shove it down everyone else's throats who don't agree and take it so personal when they tell them to Fuck Off.
I consider myself a devout Roman Catholic, but I've got know problem with Judaism, Buddishm, or Islam. I'm actually quite fascinated by Buddhism. Each one serves it's purpose.
But every single one of them follows the one coom on rule: the Golden Rule - And that is respect thy neighbor, or Respect the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of others around you as much as you would like yours to be respected.
But Humanity, for some reason, cannot seem to grasp that one basic idea. And it applies to everything, not just religion. Science, politics,  sports, even video games suffer this problem we're all far too familiar with the Console Wars. Or when these guys into a fight over a Call of Duty match.
Really the only thing you could do to make the world a better place is to take away everyone's sense of opinion or free will, which would lead to no disagreements and thus no reason to fight or kill. But that's obviously a pipe dream, so we have the world we have.