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RolStoppable said:
Teeqoz said:

EDIT: @your edit, the stimuli we "choose" to expose ourselves to are decided by those same chemical reactions that you don't control to begin with. What this means is that when you're gonna watch porn, the chemical reactions in your brain has resulted in that and you in reality never had a choice. You were gonna watch porn all along. You didn't choose it.


And my question isn't formulated poorly. I've just skipped all the fluff. The chemical reactions control your behaviour, so if you don't control the chemical reactions, you don't control your behaviour. And if you DO control the chemical reactions, then it has to be through some mechanism that breaks the laws of physics, and as such is supernatural.

What is when I want to watch porn, but don't do it? What does that mean?

It means there are two different chemical reactions (well, probably more like two billion, but two "main" reactions) going on in your brain, and one of them is stronger than the other, so it is the dominating force and will suppress the other reaction.


What a piece of iron is between a fridge magnet and an industrial magnet, it is attracted to the fridge magnet, yet it ends up going to the industrial magnet because it's stronger. Does the piece of iron have free will?