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aLkaLiNE said:
Soundwave said:

lol ... what, the UK economy is basically socialist by American standards. 

This just means England (probably no UK in the long run as Scotland is likely to bounce) will become kind of a niche worldwide player now ... what do they even make? 

Range Rovers and fish and chips? They are economically not a big player globally going forward. 

A little company known as British petroleum.

39% of that is owned by the US, in fact the UK owns less than half of it now I believe.

Also... what the fuck at the UK, I say the UK, wtf at England, Scotland voted 68% to remain in the EU and Northern Ireland voted majority to remain as well, I think the main thing you are going to see shattered from this isn't the EU but the UK, Scotland are most certainly going to withdraw from the UK to remain a part of the EU. We might even see a reunited Ireland at the end of this considering that as it stands right now, the Republic of Ireland has just become the only country to have a land border with the new standalone UK.

I can only hope this will turn out for the best... but sadly as of right now all this shows is that UKIP, a group who are so racist they were fodder for comedy as of 5 years ago, is now considering the voice of reason in England, that's what this is, a vote that England is now run by a racist minority, going to do shocking things for their tourism industry I bet, other than the immediate collapse of their currency, going to effect Ireland soon though, we do €1b trade with them per week, that has to take a huge hit from the fact that their currency is now worth far less than it's been in 30+ years, they just wont be able to afford our exports.


..... I can't even take solice and consider that maybe it was due to low turnout... 72% in England voted.... dear lord.

I disliked the Pork Friendly Cameron until this morning when the nation turned to him to see how he would lead them after this choice, pretty much just said fuck it, you guys can run the asylum now, idiots.

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