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Everything on here is very good, more than enough. It's just the lack of GPU that is going to completely cripple you gaming wise. That PC with the right GPU would run anything, GPU will always be the bottleneck on that system for gaming wise for quite a while.

But for everyday tasks as you say it will be perfect, especially that SSD, SSD's are a god send for productivity and speed. All you'd have to do is shove in a GPU later on and you'd have a gaming/video editing beast.

As Fatslob said the case fans aren't really necessary, skip the liquid cooling too. And the PSU is more than enough for any single-gpu setup should you put in a GPU at a later date.

The 250gb SSD may become a problem, considering you're dualbooting two OSS's presumably both installed on it. If you do want to start gaming on it you'll have to get more storage and a gpu. 250gb should be enough for working assuming you won't need to store a lot of video.