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Symbolic said:
Soundwave said:

Well I will say this, looking at the exit polls it looks like it if was just people 65 or younger voting, the "Remain" side would've won fairly easily. 

It's people 65 and over that tilted the scales ... and I have to question whether or not people, many of whom are likely to be dead in 10-15 years have the right to change the future of a country that they won't be living in pretty soon. 

Are you proposing that voting rights should be limited based on age, projected life span or length of intention to live within that country? Would this only apply to referendums, or also to general elections where one segment of a particular politician's platform could have an impact after that particular voter is no longer living in the UK?

Secondly, how would you handle legislation and government programs that were enacted long before many current voters were even born? Should they be exempt from the programs, or should they just have to deal with the decisions of their predecessors? An example of this would be the United Kingdom joining the European Economic Community in 1973; anyone born in 1953 or later didn't get to vote in the 1970 general election that elected PM Edward Heath and thus didn't have a say on whether or not the UK should have joined the EEC, yet all of them have had to live with that decision.

Goodnightmoon said:

When people votes with hate and blind patriotism instead of brains, democracy fails.

How do you possibly know that everyone who voted to leave voted based on "hate and blind patriotism"? Could people not have simply reasoned and came to a different conclusion than you?

Secondly, what do you even define as "hate"? Does wanting to implement an immigration system akin to Australia's point system count as "hate"? Does building a fence and policing your borders like Hungary count as "hate"? Does merely being critical of the European Union's or some of its member states' views on immigration and identity count as "hate"?

I'm just point out the flaw in it. Even the whole "the working class voted" ... well the vast majority of the working class is under 65 years old, so in that case this isn't what they voted for at all