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Pemalite said:
Angelus said:
If anyone here plays on xbox, fell free to add me. GT is Arch Adonias. I mean you know.....unless you suck. Holy fuck are there are a lot of terrible players on this game. Like people that don't seem like they could hit water falling out of a boat. I never understand why people play games they're so terrible at. It can't be very fun getting shit on.

Anyway, looking forward to competitive, and hopefully they can get console cross play on this game too at some point. That would be aces.

It's called learning. :P

I used to be terrible at the first Age of Empires where I would get beaten by even an easy computer.
A few years later I was ranked in the top 150 on in the late 90's.

All games have little nuances you slowly pick up on and improve your skill with over time.

I wish this next content update would hurry up. Need more maps and game modes. ANYTHING.

I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that so many of these terrible players have days worth of playtime. I mean if you're around level 100 and still suck, maybe this game ain't for you.


I could do with more maps, but I'll just be happy to get competitive mode and a patch with some character balancing for now.