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Terrific episode. I still prefer episode 5, but both of them are easily in my GoT top 5.

- The Winterfell battle was totally sick. GoT has always managed to show the cruelty of war. But this was another different beast. The sound effects, the chaos of the battlefield... And the way Ramsay used the bodies to surround Snow's army... He would totally destroy Jon Snow. I kind of figured that Littlefinger will appear to save the day. He knew they will need him eventually. Another step on his scheme. I wonder what was the arrangement with Sansa. 

- Tyrion acting as a counterpart to Daenerys. She loses her temper sometimes, so they make a wonderful pair. The negotiation and the "unleash the dragons" moment was thrilling.

- But not as thrilling as the Stark regaining Winterfell. At last.

- About predictability. No. I mean, how many times have we seen the good guys in this show being slaughtered? It would be predictable in another show, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jon Snow died. It was close enough tbh.

-Also, Miguel Sapochnik. Astonishing direction. 

Wonderful episode, so the improvement over season 5 is obvious. I was worried because of episodes 2 and 3, but the rest of the season was pretty solid. Can't wait to see the finale! I still think that the last seasons were not as great as the first 4, but, at least, they were good enough.