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Given the rate i complete games it be something like march-zelda, July- pikmin, october- eternal darkness 2 or bayonetta 3 and for the love of god tell me a new luigi's mansion is a launch title. I didn't play dark moon because i don't buy handhelds. Sprinkle a new online multiplayer ip and i'm set. If that last one doesn't happen it's ok cuz i still gots my rocket league. Speaking of which i hope nintendo paid attention to that game. It's everything they should be now-a-days. Gonna break the rules and just throw out my wish list for the generation. (ugh right?!)
-year one- zelda, pikmin, eternal darkness, new ip, luigi's mansion
-year two- mario kart, mario 3d-2, METROID, ice climbers (banjo kazooie type adventure game), spla2n, a new app that links your hand held to the system so you can play your handheld games on the tv. Finally wifi pokemon battles on your tv. (and i don't even play pokemon)
-year three- star fox (3rd person action), smash, kid icarus with zelda sized scope, fatal frame 6
-year four- pokken 2 with 30 pokemon, fire emblem, donkey kong-3dworld, mario maker, platinum exclusive
-year five- xenoblade, last story 2, new ip, METROID,
-year six- zelda, star tropics, new ip, 2 cool 3rd party exclusives.

i know "new ip" is in there alot, but i really would like nintendo to branch out and hit alot of different genres, or at least approach alot of their own ip without presuming they have to make a 2d game.