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zsidane said: mrstickball said: Great to see Crackdown and FFXII top the charts - 2 great games that deserve the sales. As for Sonic & The Secret Rings - Thus far, 3rd party software for the Wii has been doing OK, but not great. It'll be a test of the Wii to see if it can do near Red Steel in the US and do 300k in its lifetime or more. IMO, Sonic will get around 70-75k for Feb, and do about 250k in its lifetime in the US, but do well w/w to atleast get 500k. wow! I'm excepting much more from Sonic since it sold pretty well on the GC in the US! I see it selling much more than 500k in it's lifetime. Maybe something like 700k. Or maybe my exceptations ar just too high for sonic
Sonic for GC didn't sell so early in it's lifespan as opposed to the Wii, did it? Wii 3rd party numbers aren't great but mediocre - They have Red Steel & Madden 07 just over 300k. This is compared to the 360 having Call of Duty 2 @ 738,250 and Madden 06 over 400k, and PS3 with Madden 07 over 300k - both systems selling far less units. Wii tier ratios are at 3.4, with about 2.0 to 2.2 being first party (Legend of Zelda, Wii Sports, Warioware:SM). Because of that, I really dont have high hopes for Sonic. Not with Wii Play being out, and SSX blur.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.