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Aquamarine said:
JetSetter said:

But being all about specs lead to the failure that was the Gamecube though. Only when Nintendo did something different did they pull out way ahead. 

Point is I highly doubt that Nintendo want to get into this arms race between MS and Sony draining money into R&D for new console refreshes every few years. 

The only reason the N64 and GameCube didn't do as well as they could because they went with expensive cartridges and mini-DVDs.

If they had industry-standard CDs for the N64 and regular DVDs for the GameCube they would have been extremely influential in the 5th and 6th gen.

The GameCube is still doing far better than the Wii U....both in terms of third-party support and worldwide sales. And, Nintendo made a nice profit with the GameCube as well.

GameCube had too many small problems that snowballed into a loss. 

Launching in 2001 was a mistake, the hardware was done in 2000, they just sat around a full year waiting for games to finish up. That pretty handed Sony a repeat console win with such a large headstart and even let Microsoft (who was late) to mobilize against Nintendo. 

The design of the system was stupid, classic case of Nintendo's Japanese designers letting their ego get in the way of market realities, it never should have looked like a child's toy. 

No killer app at day 1 of launch was also a mistake, it should have launched in 2000 with Zelda: Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark (taken away from N64) as launch date software IMO. 

Giving up the FPS audience was a huge, huge mistake too, they just handed that over to Microsoft without even a fight.

No online. 

The list just goes on and on.