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Swordmasterman said:
Ali_16x said:

What the hell? Why would they look at Tomb Raider, they're not even the same genre.....Oh I'm going to release my new racing game on PS4, let me go check the sales of Uncharted 4.

Lol are you using VGChartz numbers? Lol they pull those numbers out of their asses. And actually no, it's not hard to prove, State of Decay got a sequel, why? Because it sold well enough. And it's also not hard too see it either, MIcrosoft makes most of their money from America. What do Americans love lol? FPS and Zombies.

"Microsoft makes most of their money from America." Microsoft's most money isn't bigger than Sony's America sales this gen, with Resident Evil being much more popular on PS than Xbox, with The Last of Us selling 10+ Millions of units, with Days gone being developed, it shows that this genre is very popular within the Playstation Fanbase, and this could not be different, The most popular horror games are the Japanese ones, Sillent Hills, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, etc.

That's not what I'm talking about so I'm not sure why you are. I'm talking about Xbox One has sold most of it's units in America, so of course, America is going to be Microsofts money maker. And the thing about Sony literally means nothing, Sony fans can be just enjoying Zombie games, but that literally has 0 to do with what Xbox gamers think about it.

Just like how shooters sell more on Xbox, even though there are more PS4s in America than Xbox, sometimes FPS sell more on Xbox. And just like how JRPGs don't sell on Xbox. I'm not sure what you guys are trying to argue, Xbox owners play different genres than PlayStation owners, it's a FACT.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"