ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Watch the thread , nintendo fans already acepted it and now they even praised them for it, now go check the rumour threads about the NX being actualy powerfull, people loved those rumours. The instant reggie says it does not mather specs people changed their mind in an instant and dont care about specs again. Then later they will complain nintendo does not have third partys and that 2 or 3 nintendo games is not enough. Its like a cicle and its amusing to watch. |
It's the ciiiiircle of liiiiiife ...
Stage 1 (Excitement): New Nintendo console! They're going to do it all right now! They learned their lessons! It's going to be super powerful!
Stage 2 (Denial): Who needs third parties anyway! Nintendo has great exclusives like that new Mario Kart and Zelda and Splatoon. Just wait! Sales will explode!
Stage 3 (Reality): Man it sure would be nice to have something to play during the next 3 months. Nintendo should at least market what they have!