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Pemalite said:
midrange said:

The overwatch hate on this site was absurd. I was labeled crazy for thinking it could compete with cod (already 10 million in 2 weeks, still has the summer as a head start). I was told that I was supporting bad business practices by buying a $40 cash grab with no story.

It wasn't until I saw this thread (where people congratulate a $40 price tag for a 10 hour story), that I confirmed this site has a huge bias towards single player games.

not hating on recore, just had to point out the hypocrisy

When it comes to single player games they tend to have more development effort thrown in even though you might get less game time on an hourly basis, as there is more than just a dozen maps and some characters being focused on.
You need significantly more voice acting, motion capture, scripting, art, sound bytes, story writers, and then build large set-pieces, cinematics etc'.
And development budgets will typically be higher too.

I still believe Overwatch was overpriced for what you got, it was $100 AUD. - Ignoring the hours of replay value some managed to gain from it.
Free content? I am a PC gamer, it's something I come to expect, whether a developer/publisher gives it to me or not, so not a selling point I'm afraid.

Re-Core will be $50 AUD, which is half the price of Overwatch here, to me that's a bloody bargain and there will be more of a "game".

Yeah. I'm not sure I really believe much of what you said, including the fact that Recore will be $50 AUD. If Overwatch and Recore are priced the same, why would Overwatch be twice as much where you live? I also think the budget and man hours spent making Overwatch was probably much larger than the budget and man hours spent making Recore. I'd be willing to bet on it.

All in all, you're just someone who either A.) never bought Overwatch, but says he did so he can talk shit about it or B.) really regrets buying Overwatch, so he talks shit about it. I don't know what being a PC gamer has to do with anything, but I do know that Overwatch was $20 less for PC gamers and that all DLC is free. That's pretty rare these days and Blizzard should be receiving praise for it.

Also, in case you didn't know, most of the world didn't pay what you paid for the game. Stop blaming Blizzard for your country's pricing of video games problem. We all know it's not just Blizzard.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.