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Man was I wrong in this thread...

Galaxy launched at 260k in Japan and has basically quadrupled that (960k right now). It may get to 1.3 million or 1.5 million in Japan eventually but its not going to get much past that. Launch was ~630k in the Americas and it has already hit 6x that figure here. I think it may be able to hit 6-7 million in the Americas, depending on when it gets 'players choice' treatment. Others, this is Nintendo's first 'winning' console so hard to say, but it can probably get to 3-4 million.

In other words, it can top Super Mario 64 numbers and become the best selling 3D Mario game of all time with sales in the neighborhood of 10.5-12.5 million worldwide.

Halo 3... Might hit 150k in Japan. I'd got 130k though. In the Americas, its doubled its week one sales compared to the 6x week one growth factor that Galaxy has. Xbox 360 is tracking to hit ~18-28 million in the Americas...I can see it at 7-8 million in the Americas something in the 1/4 to 4/9 360 owners here will have the game. My hunch is 360 hits 24  million in the Americas and Halo 3 ends up at like 7.2 million. In Others, sales have more than doubled from week one, but I don't see it topping 3.5 million.

Realistically speaking, both could end up around 11 million which would mean Halo 3 is more important to 360 than Galaxy is to Wii. 


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu