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JEMC said:

But Vega is HBM 2, and that would give it a lot more memory bandwidth.

Also, if MSoft is going with Zen, that's a whole new CPU architecture and who knows if they'll carry over the troublesome eSRAM and those extra co-processors they put on the Xbox One APU...

Developing for all the Xbox consoles will be a nightmare for a lot of devs, and that's bad news for XboxOne owners as that's the console that will most likely suffer the most.

eSRAM was only needed as a crutch due to the slow DDR3 RAM. If they switch to GDDR5X or HBM2 RAM, they can probably ditch eSRAM, even for older XBO-games. They have to change the memory-setup for Scorpio anyway, 8 GB unified RAM won't be enough for 4K.