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Lets face it, people are jaded.

Every time environmental protection has been mentioned, it has been used as some sort of excuse to make us switch from a product that is cheaper and more effective to a more expensive, defective product that doesn't do the job we need it to do.
If not that, then it has been used to impose on us with no real reason for it (recycling can be mandatory, even if the trucks all end up going to the dump) or restrict us from something that actually has the inverse effect from what it is intended (people can't make controlled camp fires from gathered brush while camping in the woods, which has resulted in excessive underbrush resulting in uncontrollable forest fires)
Often times the same people who are promoting global warming and pushing out all these fines and restrictions are polluting even worse than the people getting the restrictions (Al Gore's private jet, houses found to be built on land that was taken away from public use to be "protected")

And Global Warming is even worse. Even less is clearly understood about it, less can be proven, less can be accurately observed and plotted. The theories about the cause of global warming have switched and change no less than half a dozen times in my own memory, being attributed to everything from factories to hair spray cans to automobiles, and just recently to discarded consoles(who the hell throws out their consoles? I still have my original NES from 20 years ago, god), and that's not even counting the fact that during my parent's time, scientists claimed that the earth was headed towards a global cooling period.
Now, I wouldn't have an issue with any of that alone. I mean, hell, it's the freaking EARTH we're talking about. You've got to push for one idea or the other or you won't be able to find out whether you're wrong or right about theories you have.

Except POLICIES are being made. LAWS are being made. Government sanctions are being handed out all on the basis of these, perhaps not "half baked" but definitely, not fully baked theories about what is going to happen to the world and what the cause is. This is WRONG, you cannot control people's lives based on speculation and hype.
Yet the people pushing for Global Warming and Environmental protection don't seem to care. Whether or not their theories are correct or the policies they implement are justified or will have any actual affect is apparently just as unimportant to them as the inconvenience caused. Even worse is the manner in which their restrictions are imposed, which often just place a complete ban on something entirely, rather than addressing the sub issue actually causing the problem.

Even if there is global warming, even if the cause really is "us horrible polluting humans" the methods being used are heavy handed and not enforced consistently from area to area, or even within their own group, and are using hype and disinformation in order to spread their influence. This doesn't come across as an honest attempt to solve a problem, but as an attempt, conscious or not, to get as much power for themselves as possible.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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