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barneystinson69 said:


Must've been a terrible way too go....

Heart goes too him and his family, and the rest of the victims in this attack.

I seen that woman going through the texts on her phone from her son, was fucking heartbreaking to watch her read through them again, any of those people on Twitter making light of this or praising the actions of this murderer should really watch that clip and just be ashamed of themselves.

You know there is one slightly positive thing which might come out of this at the end, it might wake up some Christians who think that they're (Literally) Gods gift to the world when they go out and praise Jesus but protest gay people having rights or being allowed to legally declare their love... now those Christians might see what the most extreme form of that hatred of their brother man can end up looking like, and stop the hate of a culture which they just do not understand. Hopefully, heck even if just a small group of people stop their bitter hatred it would at least add some bit of silver lining to this horrific tragedy.

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