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I'm going to guess $499. Maybe more. It seems the PS4 Neo and Scorpio are probably using the same chip, the new RX480. Only it seems Sony may keep it at the normal clock, which will probably give them 5Tflops-5.5Tflops, while MS is planning on overclocking theirs to reach 5.8Tflops-6Tflops. Of course, that little bit of power increase isn't going to help if Sony does plan on getting the Neo out by the end of this year, giving them a year head start, and price it at $399-$449.

Personally, nothing shown at MS's conference looks to turn their fortunes around. It also makes me think they are slowly getting away from consoles, and are focusing on making Windows 10 a big gaming thing, considering how often they said Windows 10. I wouldn't be surprised if by the time the Scorpio arrives, it will be pushed more as a Windows platform than a Xbox one, kinda like a Steam box.

Edit:  Lol, meant Tflops, not TB.  Brainfart.