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I don't think at this point it really even matters. America is just a country racked with violence, there are a lot of good things about it, but the gun violence is abhorrent and I don't think it'll ever change there.

It's just something that no other first world country really deals with to that extent, but it's gotten to the point now where I don't think anything can really change.

There's so many guns around that some people turning their guns in would then just lead to a situation where some bad people would retain their guns and then go ahead and start shooting people anyway. But as is, they will still shoot people.

Beyond that there were like 60 people shot in Chicago's on going gang violence over the Memorial Day weekend alone ... that is absurd, but no one even cares because it's basically normal.

Basically it's a messed up situation all around and it's unlikely to change. There will be another mass shooting in 2-3 months, there will be another Columbine eventually and there's not much to stop it.