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Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

I'm sure at the moment they intend to see it through, I just think that will change in trhe next few months as Wii U development proves tough and NX offers a painless option.

If I'm wrong, but all means rub it in and say I told you so. I actually want to be wrong here, as the game looks awesome to me and if it does come to Wii U I will be buying it day 1.

I Am pretty sure they are far more familiar with Wii U development and they having much more informations and details about Wii U hardware and Wii U development process than you are, so they already know for problems they can encounter with Wii U version, and in that case they would sound little reserved about Wii U version of game, but they actually confirmed Wii U version and said it will have right attention.

Again there is nothing that tells they will ditch Wii U version at this point, you are just being negative like usual.

It's common knowledge that compared to PC/PS4/Xbone, Wii U is both substantially less powerful and has a different architecture. We've also seen other Unity games struggle on the system, and Yooka Laylee looks a more ambitious than any other Unity title I've seen on Wii U.