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Baryonyx said:
media just revealed that the dude was doing it for ISIS, you can't get more evidence for terrorism. Also, it's 10% of them who are radical based on Statistic's, 10% or even sounds vert small but 10% is 200 million radical Muslims in the world, 1% is 10 million. Both percentages still provide a dangerous number, both the 100th and 10th can create tons of misery. Moderate muslims share the same belief, it's just that they know better then to act on it while the radical doesn't mind at all

Dude sounds like he was mentally ill and it may run in the family, his father apparently thinks he's the president of Afghanistan. 

What's the difference between this guy and the white guy above who was going to shoot up the LA pride parade? One just caught, the other, sadly, did not, before hand. 

If even 0.5% of Muslims were terrorists you would have a terror attack every 2-3 hours going by your own numbers.